About Serve and Equip

Introducing “Serve and Equip” …providing free Bible training materials worldwide.

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Three Styles of Leadership
Training Diagrams
Three Styles of Leadership
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Duane Anderson - Video Shoot
Duane Anderson - Video Shoot
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The Ministry of the Trinity in Evangelism
Training Diagrams
The Ministry of the Trinity in Evangelism
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The Consequences of Sin
Training Diagrams
You Can Receive Forgiveness of Sins
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Biblical Church Development
Training Diagrams
Biblical Church Development
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David Moore - Intro Video Shoot
David Moore - Intro Video Shoot
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The Impact of Sin
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Fear or Love
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Consequences of Sin
Training Diagrams
The Consequences of Sin
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Five Levels of Ministry
Topical Studies
Five Levels of Ministry diagram - page 6 of
A Basic Church Leadership Seminar
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What Would You Do question banner
Life Question - Learning to Serve Effectively
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Summer Teams
Summer Teams 2023
VBS Lesson - Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
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Crossing Barriers for Evangelism
Training Diagrams
Crossing Barriers for Evangelism
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The Father Was Satisfied
Training Diagrams
You Can Receive Forgiveness of Sins p.4
The Father Was Satisfied
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Summer Teams 2022
Summer Teams 2022
Behind the Scenes
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Sin Causes Us to Abandon Others
Topical Studies
Sin Causes Us to Abandon Others - page 7 of
Meet Our Creator
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Summer Teams
How Has God Equipped You to Serve?
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Survey of John

Serve and Equip provides free Bible training resources online in a variety of formats including multi-media and YouTube links.  Each of these tools are available for you to use and share with others – providing you do not charge for their use (see license agreement).  There are Bible book outlines, Bible Surveys, Devotional Studies, Topical Studies, Training Diagrams as well as Church leadership resources. All of these resources can be of value to you from the time you realize that your sins can be forgiven which gives you new life in Christ, on to the process of maturing and becoming a more effective disciple maker who is able to teach others also.

Be sure to take a look around the website to find resources that would be of value to YOU – today. Serve and Equip also provides limited technical support to those serving in Christian ministry as time allows and God provides opportunity and means. 

S&E History

Serve and Equip was established in May of 2014 at the request of the board of directors of American Indian Bible Institute (AIBI). AIBI was established in 1966 for the purpose of developing godly reproducing Christians in the Native American communities of Los Angeles, California. Over the course of time, hundreds of pages of Bible training materials were developed that were designed for those with English as a second language and were not culturally specific in presentation. As of 1999, these free Bible training resources, which were used in AIBI’s local classes, became available on-line on the AIBI Resources website ( This outreach of AIBI continued to grow in exposure and usage. It has expanded through the internet to individuals in over 140 different countries. Free computer CDs have been sent to over 70 different countries. In order to provide the opportunity for this aspect of the AIBI outreach to continue to expand as the Lord allows, in 2013, the AIBI board requested the establishment of what is now known as “Serve and Equip”.

Statement of Faith

A summary of what Serve and Equip holds to:

Full Statement of Faith
Your Sins can be Forgiven