Helping Our Children Develop a Vision for the World - Acts

  1. Christ Promised the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
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  2. Christ Commissioned All Christians for Ministry
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  3. Christ Led the Apostles to Replace Judas
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  4. Christ Sent the Spirit and Started the Church
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  5. Peter Showed How the Ministry of the Holy Spirit Was Promised
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  6. Peter Preached the Resurrection of Christ
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  7. Christ Gave the Church Keys for Development
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  8. Christ Used Peter to Heal a Crippled Man
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  9. Peter Responded to the Opportunities Christ Provided
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  10. Peter Spoke the Word of God with Boldness
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  11. Peter Spoke of the Importance of Obedience to God
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  12. The Church Prayed for Boldness to Speak the Word
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  13. The Church Served One Another in Love
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  14. The Church Had to Deal with Sin
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  15. The Church Saw God Perform Miracles
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  16. The Church Faced New Persecution
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  17. The Church Rejoiced in Persecution
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  18. The Church Experienced the Importance of Priorities
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  19. The Lord Worked Through New Leadership
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  20. Stephen Reviewed the Rebellion of Joseph’s Brothers
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  21. Stephen Reviewed the History of Israel in Egypt
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  22. Stephen Reviewed the Rejection of Moses by Israel
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  23. Stephen Reviewed the Further Rebellion of Israel
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  24. Stephen Was Stoned to Death
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  25. The Church Went Everywhere Preaching the Word
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  26. The Lord Gave the Holy Spirit to the Samaritans
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  27. The Lord Showed the Destructive Power of Bitterness
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  28. The Lord Worked Through Philip Again
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  29. The Lord Stopped Saul on the Road to Damascus
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  30. The Lord Worked Through the Ministry of Ananias
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  31. The Lord Caused Churches to Multiply
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  32. The Lord Worked Through the Ministry of Others
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  33. The Lord Worked in the Life of Cornelius
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  34. The Lord Gave Peter a Vision
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  35. The Lord Led Peter to the House of Cornelius
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  36. The Lord Began Saving Gentiles
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  37. Peter Reviewed His Vision
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  38. Peter Told of the Salvation of the Gentiles
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  39. The Lord Spread the Church to Antioch
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  40. The Church Saw James Killed and Peter Imprisoned
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  41. The Church Saw Peter Delivered
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  42. The Church Saw God Judge Herod
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  43. Christ Led the Church to Expand Its Vision
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  44. Christ Stopped the Opposition of a Sorcerer
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  45. Paul Was Given the Opportunity to Speak in Antioch of Pisidia
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  46. Paul Spoke About the Death and Resurrection of Christ
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  47. Paul Saw Many People Show an Interest
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  48. Paul Turned to the Gentiles
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  49. Paul and Barnabas Preached in Iconium
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  50. Paul Was Stoned to Death in Lystra
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  51. Paul Demonstrated the Process of Biblical Church Development
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  52. Certain Jews Taught It Was Necessary to Circumcise
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  53. The Jerusalem Council Included Much Discussion
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  54. The Jerusalem Council Was Led by the Holy Spirit
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  55. The Lord Multiplied Ministry Teams
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  56. The Lord Spread the Gospel to Europe
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  57. The Lord Allowed Persecution in Philippi
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  58. The Lord Saved a Roman Soldier and His Household
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  59. Paul Confronted the Roman Leaders
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  60. The Development of the Church in Thessalonica
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  61. The Importance of Searching the Word
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  62. Sharing the Gospel with People with no Background
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  63. The Development of the Church in Corinth
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  64. The Return of Paul to Antioch
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  65. The Ministry of Aquila and Priscilla
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  66. The Church Spreads in Asia
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  67. The Lord Deals with False Teachers
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  68. Businessmen Stir Up Opposition Against the Gospel
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  69. The Businessmen Are Told to Follow the Law
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  70. Paul Spent Time in Troas
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  71. Paul Summarized His Ministry to the Elders of Ephesus
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  72. Paul Gave a Warning to the Elders at Ephesus
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  73. Paul Was Warned of Coming Imprisonment
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  74. Paul Took a Vow in Jerusalem
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  75. Paul Was Seized in Jerusalem
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  76. Paul Told How the Lord Stopped Him
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  77. Paul Said the Lord Called Him to the Gentiles
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  78. Paul Said He Was a Roman Citizen
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  79. Paul Spoke to the Sanhedrin
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  80. Paul Was Informed of a Conspiracy Against Him
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  81. Paul Was Taken to Caesarea
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  82. Paul Had False Accusations Made Against Him
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  83. Paul Gave His Defense Before Felix
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  84. Paul Was Kept in Caesarea for Two Years
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  85. Paul Appealed His Case to Caesar
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  86. Agrippa Was Told About the Case of Paul
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  87. Paul Told About His Life Before Christ
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  88. Paul Told How He Became a Christian
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  89. Paul Invited Agrippa to Become a Christian
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  90. Paul Began His Trip to Rome
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  91. God Spoke to Paul During a Storm
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  92. Paul Became the Leader During the Storm
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  93. Paul Saw God Deliver Them from the Storm
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  94. Paul Ministered on the Island of Malta
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  95. Paul Called Together the Jews in Rome
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  96. Paul Ministered for Two Years in Rome
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